Addon's Preferences

Preference window helps to adjust FP addon:

In 'A' block you can setup invoke keys:
1. for SCPO addon operator
2. and for Center origin operator
3. and for SCPO 2D(UV Editor) operator

In 'B" block:
4. Activate preferences restoring
5. Store current settings to disk
6. Restore settings from disk
7. Set all settings default

'C' block is for adjusting main comform buttons:
8. Set conform button for Pivot orientation
9. Set conform button for 3D Cursor
10. Set conform button for Origin

'D' block is for setting up addifional modes' shortcuts:
11. Set key for 'Force meshes mode' for filtering meshes without faces (WARNING! mode works with errors now)
12. Set key for 'Force bone mode' for filtering scene bones
13. Set key for 'Force curve mode' for filtering scene curves
14. Set key for 'X' One axis mode
15. Set key for 'Y' One axis mode
16. Set key for 'Z' One axis mode
17. Set key for Multi Selection (Origin and 3D Cursor)
18. Set key for Bounding Box Gizmo

'E' block contains supporting shortcuts settings:
19. Set key for 'switching ON/OFF baking orientation to LOCAL
20. Set key for 'switching ON/OFF moving Pivot to 3D Cursor'
21. Set key for 'switching ON/OFF SCPO into Active Transform Tools settings
22. Set combo key for 'set Origin or 3D Cursor with Orientation'
23. Set key for 'set 3D Cursor'(Suits for mouse without MMB)

'F' block adjust color and size of addon's highlights:
24. Adjust size and color of vertex component
25. Adjust width and color of edge component
26. Adjust width and color of face component
27. Adjust conform color

'G' block setup size of components'axis preview:
28. Activate axis preview
29. Set every axis' width
30. Set preview width

'H' block adjust scale of addon's gizmos:
31. Activate curve points preview
32. Adjust size and color of curves' points

'I' block stores default settings:
33. Setup Pivot Gizmo scale
34. Setup BBox Gizmo dots' scale

'J' block stores default settings:
35. Switch default ON/OFF for baking orientation to LOCAL
36. Switch default ON/OFF for moving Pivot to 3D Cursor when conform the last one
37. Switch default ON/OFF for SCPO into Active Transform Tools settings
38. Switch default ON/OFF Pivot Gizmo
39. Switch default ON/OFF remain 'Edit Mode' when addon's invoked
40. Switch default ON/OFF for BBox world orientation(When OFF only Local exists)