Viewport shortcuts and usage

Invoke key

  • Pressing 'D' key invokes change pivot mode. While this mode is active there is an ability to navigate through viewport, switch actions, change Pivot Orientation, set 3D Cursor and Origin.


Pivot Gizmo

  • This visual control gives ability to set Orientation and Origin freely. Supports any Blender object type.
  • 'P' button in left bottom corner switches On/Off Pivot gizmo.
  • There is a value next to the 'P' counting Pivot's distance for current axis('D') when moving/incrementing the gizmo or current rounded value('V') when rounding value.
  • Press Alt - Round current axis value. To round current decimal value to whole number press Alt and move axis arrow in desired direction to floor or ceiling a value. Alt + Shift combination rounds value to first decimal place for better accuracy. For Dial Pivot value is being round to nearest whole number automatic(if 1.45 => 1.0, if 1.55 => 2.0). Current rounded value is being display in the left bottom corner with V character.
  • Press Shift, Ctrl or Shift+Crtl - Activate incremental system for current axis.

Bounding Box Gizmo

  • Press D + B - To activate Bounding Box Gizmo and widget.
  • Press D + B + MMB or RMB - To set 3D Cursor or Origin to bbox point.
  • 'L' button in left bottom corner switch bounding box to local\world orientation.
    !WARNING - World orientation('W') is heavy calculation with hipoly meshes

Mesh mode

  • Press D + LMB - To set just Transform Orientation.
  • Press D + MMB - To set only 3D Cursor to highlighted.
  • Press D + RMB - To set only Origin to highlighted.

Multiselection in Mesh mode

  • Press D + A + MMB or RMB - To activate multi selection for 3D Cursor or Origin.
  • If release A - To set(confirm) Cursor or Origin between selection.
  • If release D - To exit the mode without confirmation.

One axis in Mesh mode

  • Press D + X or Y or Z + RMB - To set Origin to one axis.

Additional combo shortcuts for more options in Mesh mode

  • Press D + S + LMB or RMB - Set Origin and Orientation or vice versa.
  • Press D + S + MMB - Set 3D Cursor and Orientation.
  • Press D + C + RMB - To set 3D Cursor (this suits if 2 button mouse).

Bone mode

  • Press D + V + LMB - To set Orientation.
  • Press D + V + MMB - To set 3D Cursor to highlighted.
  • Press D + V + RMB - To set Origin to highlighted.
  • !WARNING - For now it works on bones' rest position only.

Curve mode

  • Press D + G + MMB - To set 3D Cursor to highlighted point.
  • Press D + G + RMB - To set Origin to highlighted point.

Additional shortcuts while holding D key

  • Press O - To switch On/Off Pivot to Cursor settings.
  • Press P - To switch On/Off SCPO into Active Transform Tools settings.
  • Press L - To switch On/Off bake orientation to LOCAL.
  • Space - Force addon to use MMB for grabbing or panning a view not for action confimation.